Spent a day this past weekend dyeing fabric. I'm not sure what I want to do with it yet, but I knew I wanted some nice colors for Spring. Here I've got a turquoise dye pot, a green dye pot, and a fuchsia dye pot going. I think I'd like to over dye the green with a darker shade of green to get an organic grass look. That'd be pretty. Then the fuchsia one I might over dye with black, but I'm not sure about the turquoise one yet. Maybe purple? Any suggestions?
Here's the finished fabric. I love the way silk crepe shines!

On a completely different topic, last night I got home after a rather long and stressful work day and was surprised with an AMAZING Valentine's Day dinner!
My husband went all out. He made us salads with walnuts and avocado dressing (yum!), steaks au poivre ("with pepper" - double yum!), and chocolate pudding cakes for dessert (yum! yum! yum!). All accompanied by some Ravenswood merlot. My mouth is watering just thinking about it! I was so excited that I didn't even THINK about the camera until it was time for dessert. So here it is, the only picture I got: a candlelit hot chocolate pudding cake with the melty middle. MMMMMM!
Kurt put raspberries and almonds and cinnamon on top to make it extra good! I already can't wait 'til next Valentine's Day to eat it again! :)
Thanks, baby, for a great Valentine's Day!
Wow that sounds like the greatest Valentines Day dinner. My husband and I had our Valentines Day dinner on Friday night - we had pepper steak too. Like you, there is none left, so I couldn't take a photo!
How did the scarves turn out?
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