Alicia tagged me (thanks!) to tell six weird things about myself, so here goes nothin'.
Well, I am deathly afraid of windmills. Not necessarily those big, old fashioned ones like this one, but those new white ones with the three white blades. I'm not sure when exactly I developed this fear or why, but on the drive to Wisconsin from DC, there's a whole ROW of these things. And of course, just like the movies, you see them just as you're cresting a hill. Kurt always says, "DON'T LOOK!" but I always do. I say, "Don't look at wh--? AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" And then I get this weird feeling in my stomach/chest, like I'm seeing the cause of my impending death with mine own eyes!

My husband says I have a "pouring problem." When I pour water or juice into a glass, I tend to pour too quickly and it splashes out of the glass and all over the counter. I can only remember 2 times when that didn't happen...
Lots of people have a problem with seeing blood or gory films. I don't have that problem. I've always loved medicine so I think I developed the ability to separate myself from the situation at an early age. I can't, however, handle anything that has to do with...the ankles. If someone twists an ankle in a movie, I scream. (Remember Misery? I thought I would pass out!) If someone gets shot in the head, however, I remain unfazed. Go figure.
My profession is Translator and Conference Interpreter. I love the work, but this has somehow given almost everyone I know the license to regard me as a walking dictionary. They didn't warn me of this in grad school... On the up side, I can listen to about 4 conversations at once without getting lost! I actually got so mad once I SAW RED. It happens. Trust me. It's not just a saying. It scared me so bad that I have yet to remember what I was so mad about.My favorite hobbies are eating and sleeping. No question about it. I loooove eating and usually don't stop when I'm full, but rather when the joy of eating has subsided (to counter that, I have to run 5.5 miles a day). I also love sleeping, especially when there's a waffle blanket to snuggle up with! I love sleeping so much that I get pretty cross when the alarm is set on the weekends. (Kurt can tell you aaaaaaaaaallll about that!) I consider it my time to sleep sleep sleep. Although I'm usually up by 9 at the latest, it's the possibility of sleeping til noon that I love!What's your weird characteristic? :)