You know, it hadn't quite hit me until that day. Until I realized that it would be awhile before I saw these people again. That I wouldn't be going out to Karma's happy hour that Friday for mojitos, that I wouldn't be joining our friends for Saturday night Ethiopian food, that I wouldn't have a nice long lunch in the sun with my freelancing friends, that I wouldn't drive out to the horse barn with my friend to see her horse, or hold great conversations with my book club girls for a long time. It was when we were in the car, driving back home from the exhibition that it dawned on me. As we passed all the wonderful monuments on Constitution Avenue, I just started crying (as I find myself now just writing this). This is much harder than I anticipated. Much harder than any other move I've made. I've gone from Wisconsin to Japan, from Japan to California, from California to DC, and never have I felt this intense sadness...
We went to bed that night feeling quite melancholy.
On Monday, we went to pick up the rental truck and a friend came over (the same awesome friend who threw us that farewell party) to help us move our stuff into the truck. It took us about 5 hours or so and there were three of us. Not too bad. We left the last few boxes and the bed for my husband and I to pack the next day. We took our friend out for some jerk chicken sandwiches and homemade fruit punch at Negril and drove him home. That night, we cleaned the entire apartment and then went over to a good friend's house for dessert. It was nice to just relax for a bit!
On Tuesday, Kurt and I get up early to pack up the rest of the stuff into the truck. We were hoping to be on the road by 10am. Noon rolls around and we're still at it!!! My gosh, what a difference one extra person makes!! We finally hit the road around 1:00pm to drive all the way to Boston. We got to our new apartment at around 11:00pm or so. We got the bed and suitcases out of the truck and crashed.
On Wednesday morning, Kurt's friends here in Boston helped us with the move. We had 3, count them 3 extra men and it took us only an hour and a half!!!!!! Unbelievable! If only they had driven down to help us in DC! :) We are very grateful for their help.
So here we are. We arranged the apartment as best we could to make it livable until we find a house to purchase. Here's the living room and the sun room so far. It's nice because we eat our meals out in the sun room and there's always a really nice breeze coming in through the windows.

I'll keep you posted on our house hunt! :) I'm dying for a craft room!!
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